Monday, December 5, 2011

the second Lebanon war - 1

Yuki just finished his first year in school, summer vacation started, he registered for Albert's camp, but the very few times he attended the camp they were busy training the kids to react to the siren and run to the shelter.

at that time, Gilad Shalit was kidnapped by Hamas and two other Israeli soldiers were wounded and captured by Hizbollah, rockets were thrown from south Lebanon to North Israel constantly, and Israeli army started to react agressively.

The village we live is only half an hour driving distance from the Lebanon border, although none of the rockets so far has hit our home yet, but the day and night helicopter / military plane noise over the sky gave me the feeling as if the world war three is close.

the village where we live

Gilad's home is not far from us, and his father worked in the same company where Umi worked at that time. Umi remembered the day when the military commanders came in group to the company finding Mr. Shalit to inform him about his son's been captured ...

my company allowed us not to drive to work to prevent getting hit by rockets on the road, and we could work from home. Yuki was home with me, playing game boy in his room and watched television the same time. The fights noise seemed not bothering him at all, and since our apartment is down in the basement and share the wall of the house shelter, he was quite certain that nothing could happen to us and we shall stay home during the war. He was only 7 years old that year.

an old friend of mine at that time was working in the Chinese embassy and knew that I am living by the border, he called several times trying to convince me transfer to the southern area of the country. I did listen to him only after a rocket fell really close to our house, and our internet / phone line was cut temporarily.

time between the decision was made until we actually left our house could be counted by minutes, I collected 3 or 4 shirts for me and Yuki, took our dog Peppsy, Yuki grabbed his game boy and pooh bear ... we were on the way getting out of the war zone, heading to Tel Aviv area.

to be continued ...

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